I am trying to find the energy between the $n=2\leftrightarrow3$ transition for Muonic Hydrogen. My approach was to modify the Bohr model for standard hydrogen but taking the mass of the Muon $m_\mu\approx 207m_e$ instead of the mass of the electron $m_e$ and then substituting in the effective mass $m=\frac{m_\mu m_p}{m_\mu+m_p}\approx186.03m_e$ (I took $m_p\approx1836m_e$).
Now taking $R=\frac{m_ee^4}{8\varepsilon_o^2h^3c}\approx10.97\times 10^6$ it gives $\Delta E\approx340.12\times 10^6\text{ J}$
Is this correct? Because it's quite a large value (assuming I got the units right)