This is a basic question, but it something I have been wondering ever since I learned about inertially confined fusion. In the ICF reactor configurations I am aware of, the drivers that are used to compress and heat the pellet are electrically pumped lasers. They coherently build up a laser pulse in the 10-40 TW range, then dump it quickly onto the target. They have been unable to reach net gain energy because the energy confinement isn't good enough, and haven't been able to drive multiple shots because that would overheat the lasers.
So this is my question: If you were to build a massive solar reflector farm and concentrate the same 10-40 TW (which is this case means an array of 1-4 square kilometers) would you be able to ignite the pellet and get net gain fusion? The reflectors would not have the same overheating issues as the lasers, they would get their energy for free, and best of all be able to pump in energy continuously.
Would this work? And if not, what would be the reasons it wouldn't?