I am struggling to understand some details of the cross section plot by Stirling that is very often shown when talking about LHC physics. See e.g. here: http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/~wstirlin/plots/crosssections2012_v5.pdf
I understand very well the discontinuity when switching from $p\bar{p}$ to pp collisions, however, what I don't get is what is meant with $\sigma_{b}$ and $\sigma_{t}$. Is this only referring to pair production, like $gg \rightarrow g \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ ? Or are processes that are experimenatally often called single-top production, like $qq' \rightarrow W \rightarrow tb$ included as well?
Moreover, what I completely miss is the meaning of the two lines splitting for the $\sigma_{b}$ cross section. Is this due to uncertainties as pdfs or different calculation schemes?
I would appreciate any help or kick into the right direction.