I was wondering how to write the density matrix of two spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ in a mixture of singlets and triplets. By definition for a mixture, $$ \hat{\rho}=\sum_{j}w_j\, |\psi_j \rangle\langle \psi_j| . $$ But it makes sense for a mixture, given the singlet $$ |0,0\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|\downarrow\uparrow\rangle - |\uparrow\downarrow\rangle) $$ that is a superposition of states, to write $|0,0 \rangle\langle 0,0|$? I think not because it will be coherence.
I was thinking also to do $$ \hat{\rho}=w_1|\uparrow\downarrow \rangle\langle \uparrow\downarrow|+w_2|\downarrow\uparrow \rangle\langle \downarrow\uparrow|+w_3|\uparrow\uparrow \rangle\langle \uparrow\uparrow|+w_4|\downarrow\downarrow \rangle\langle \downarrow\downarrow| $$
and to write it in the basis
$ \left( \begin{matrix} \uparrow\uparrow\\ \uparrow\downarrow\\ \downarrow\uparrow\\ \downarrow\downarrow \end{matrix} \right)$
But is it right?