What I would like to understand mathematically is the following situation:
- Prepare a quantum state that spans two Hilbert spaces
- Operate on one space with observable operator $\hat{O}$.
- Obtain measurement statistics (probabilities) of the second state after first operation.
I think the procedure would be the following:
Suppose I have a density matrix of a mixed state over two Hilbert spaces:
$$\rho = \sum_{j,k} P_{jk} |\psi_j\rangle \langle \psi_j | \otimes |\phi_k\rangle \langle \phi_k |$$
with $P_{jk}$ being the respective probabilities. Let us suppose now I choose to operate on the first Hilbert space with the observable operator $\hat{O}$. This gives:
$$\rho\hat{O} = \sum_{j,k} P_{jk} |\psi_j\rangle \langle \psi_j |\hat{O} \otimes |\phi_k\rangle \langle \phi_k |$$
I believe that taking the partial trace of this over the first space results in the post-measurement state of space 1, but pre-measurement state of space 2.
$$\rho_2 = \text{Tr}_1(\rho) = \sum_{jk} P_{jk}\langle \psi_j |\hat{O}|\psi_j\rangle |\phi_k\rangle \langle \phi_k |$$
My questions are as follows:
- Due to the operation of $\hat{O}$, this object does not appear to represent a density matrix anymore, as the probabilities are being multiplied by the expectation value of $\hat{O}$ and certainly will not normalize to 1. So what does this represent?
- Is there a way to obtain the measurement probabilities of space 2 after measurement of $\hat{O}$ space 1 in this manner? Or is there a better way to do this?
I hope this makes sense. Thanks!
EDIT (Additional Information):
Based on the comments, I was doing some reading on quantum measurement and found this wiki article, among other resources. I still don't quite understand so let's make my question less general. Let's say my density matrix is written in terms of the Fock state basis:
$$\rho = \sum_{n,m} P_{nm} |n\rangle \langle n | \otimes |m\rangle \langle m |$$
Just to make things simple, lets also suppose the measurement I require is a number operator measurement, such that the eigen vectors will be Fock basis vectors. Let's now say I measure a particle number $p$ from space 1. The projection operator for this measurement would be $\hat{M}=|p\rangle\langle p|$. So from the wiki article, the post measurement state would be:
$$\rho_2 = \frac{\hat{M}\rho \hat{M}^{\dagger}}{\text{tr}(\hat{M}\rho \hat{M}^{\dagger})}$$
This gives (for the numerator):
$$ \sum_m P_{pm}|p\rangle \langle p | \otimes |m\rangle \langle m|$$
I am confused at this point. For the denominator, the equation indicates I trace over both Hilbert spaces? So using the vector $|p,q\rangle$ for the trace calculation, this would give me $P_{pq}$, so the post measurement state would be:
$$ \rho_2 = \frac{1}{P_{pq}}\sum_m P_{pm}|p\rangle \langle p | \otimes |m\rangle \langle m|$$
Am I on the right track here? I am not confident about these calculations...