I've been taught that if a point-sized object is placed between two plane mirrors at an angle theta with each other, then the number of images formed is $360^{\circ}/\theta$ or $360^{\circ}/\theta - 1$, depending on whether $360^{\circ}/\theta$ is even or odd.
Moreover, if $360^{\circ}/\theta$ is non-integral, we simply floor the value. So if, say, the angle between the mirrors is $65^{\circ}$, we will get ${\rm floor}\,(360/65) = 5$ images.
However, on actually drawing the figure, I'm easily able to obtain 6 images, and probably more too.
$65^{\circ}$ with 6 images" />
If the formula is erroneous, what is the correct formula?
P.S. This is definitely not a homework question. Even some books I've seen have published the formula ${\rm floor}\,(360/65)$.