I'm trying to follow section 15.5 here, which derives the low-energy limit of the Dirac equation for an electron in a EM-field.
After some manipulations (which I think I follow alright) the author arrives at this result for the non-relativistic Hamiltonian:
$$H_\text{non-rel} = \frac{1}{2m}\left[ \vec\sigma\cdot \left(\vec p - \frac{q}{c}\vec A\right) \right]^2 + q\phi$$
The author then says that by the help of the relation for Pauli matrices, $\sigma_i\sigma_j=\delta_{ij} + i\epsilon_{ijk}\sigma_k$ we get the result:
$$H_\text{non-rel} = \frac{1}{2m}\left(\vec p - \frac{q}{c}\vec A\right)^2 - \frac{q\hbar}{2mc}\vec\sigma\cdot(\nabla\times\vec A) +q\phi$$
I was trying to follow this derivation, and thought it would be smart to use another identity for Pauli matrices, namely:
$$(\vec \sigma\cdot \vec a)(\vec\sigma\cdot\vec b) = (\vec a\cdot\vec b)\mathbf{I} + i\vec\sigma\cdot(\vec a\times\vec b)$$
My thinking: If I take $\vec a \equiv \vec p - \frac{q}{c}\vec A$, then the squared factor in the first equation is just $(\vec\sigma\cdot\vec a)^2$. But since $\vec a\times\vec a=0$, the above identity should imply that the whole cross term disappears. Since the authors result obviously does not agree we with me, where is the error in my approach?
Update: Making sure to respect what does and doesn't commute as suggested in comments and answer: $$(\vec p -\frac{q}{c}\vec A)\times(\vec p -\frac{q}{c}\vec A) = -\frac{q}{c}(\vec p\times\vec A + \vec A\times\vec p)$$ Looking at the first term, letting it act on a test function $f$: $$(\vec p\times\vec A)f=(-i\hbar\nabla\times\vec A)f = -i\hbar( (\nabla\times \vec A)f +(\nabla f)\times\vec A) = -i\hbar(\nabla\times\vec A - \vec A\times\nabla )f$$ Putting this back in cancels the second term and yields nicely the expected result.