I was reading the paper device independent outlook on quantum mechanics. The author defines a generic two qubit density matrix as $$ \rho=\frac{1}{4}\left( I \otimes I + \vec{r_{\rho}} \cdot \vec{\sigma}\otimes I + I \otimes \vec{s_{\rho}} \cdot \vec{\sigma} + \sum_{i,j=x,y,z}T^{ij}_{\rho} \sigma_i \otimes \sigma_j \right) \, . \tag{1} $$
How is it obtained and what are the constraints over $T^{ij}_{\rho}$ ? Also, seeing that it has some symmetry can a general 3 qubit density matrix be written as
\begin{align} \rho = \frac{1}{8} &\left( I \otimes I \otimes I + \vec{r_{\rho}} \cdot \vec{\sigma} \otimes I \otimes I + I \otimes \vec{s_{\rho}}\cdot \vec{\sigma} \otimes I + I \otimes I \otimes \vec{t_{\rho}}.\vec{\sigma} \right. \\ &+ \sum_{i,j=x,y,z}T^{ij}_{\rho} \sigma_i \otimes \sigma_j \otimes I + \sum_{i,j=x,y,z}U^{ij}_{\rho} \sigma_i \otimes I \otimes \sigma_j \\ &\left. + \sum_{i,j=x,y,z}W^{ij}_{\rho} I \otimes \sigma_i \otimes \sigma_j +\sum_{i,j,k=x,y,z}X^{ij}_{\rho} \sigma_i \otimes \sigma_j \otimes \sigma_k \right) ? \end{align} Here $\vec{r_{\rho}}, \vec{s_{\rho}}, and \vec{t_{\rho}}$ are 3 dimensional vectors with real components and each having magnitude $\le 1$.
I get the fact that tensor of pauli matrices acts as a basis but can't get the condition on $T_{ij}$. I was able to work backwards to see that $T_{\rho}^tT_{\rho}$ has to be such that its maximum eigen value is $\le 1$ so that CHSH inequality is only violated at maximum upto $2\sqrt{2}$. So if this condition is not followed then $(1)$ should not be a valid density matrix. The form given in $(1)$ is already hermitian and has trace 1. So for $T_{\rho}^tT_{\rho}$ having maximum eigen value $\ge1$ $(1)$ might not be a positive operator but I am unable to prove that.