Consider a rectangular platform in space such that it has 2 vertical rods embedded in its surface equidistant from its geometric center. The platform is parallel to x axis.
Each rod has a balanced circular disc attached to it that is free to rotate parallel to the platform. Assume the discs are rotating parallel to the x axis, one rotating clockwise and another anticlockwise with same angular velocity (w.r.t. the platform). The geometric center of the system is also the center of mass of the system. This system is at rest w.r.t. to an outside observer.
Now, suppose a force is applied to the platform along +x axis for some time period ($t_0$) (from outside, the source of it does not matter). The platform would gain some velocity in +x direction w.r.t. to an outside observer as a result.
Would this acceleration or the outside force also reduce the angular velocity of two discs as compared to the angular velocity earlier (before application of force)?
I think the answer should be yes but I am not sure. Anyone ?