A space platform in the form of a thin circular disc of radius a and mass m (flying saucer) is initially rotating with angular velocity w about its symmetry axis. A meteorite strikes the edge of the platform imparting an implies p to the platform. The direction P is parallel to the axis of the platform, and the magnitude of P is $\frac{maw}{4}$. Find the resulting values of the precessional rate $\Omega$ and the wobble rate $\dot{\phi}$, and the angle $\alpha$ between the symmetry axis and new axis of rotating.
So professor answered this question, however I have one thing I am not quite sure how he did. First of all of have $\vec{P} = \frac{maw}{4}\ \hat{e_3}$ and we have $w_1 = w\ \hat{e_3}$, where $w_1$ is the initial angular velocity. now This thing I don't understand
"Suppose point of impact is through the 2-axis so we have during collision." $\int{ N dt} = \vec{r}\ \times \vec{p} = a\hat{e_2} \ \times \frac{maw}{4}\hat{e_3}$
How did he get that $\int{ N dt} = \vec{r}\ \times \vec{p}$ ? Isn't that angular impluse which is change of angular momentum not angular momentum itself ?