I would like to study time-dependence (TD) in linear combinations of atomic orbitals (LCAO).
The Hückel method enables quick and dirty determination of MOs for suitable systems (view link for assumptions). The basis function $\phi$ is the 2pz orbital.
Any molecular orbital (MO) is described as
$$\psi_n(r) = \sum_k \phi_k(r)\ c_{k,n}$$
where $c_{k,n}$ is the coefficient on the $k$th atom at energy level (MO number) $n$. For benzene, the first MO is (calculation omitted):
$$\psi_1(r) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{6}}\sum_{k=1}^6 \phi_k(r)$$
Pretty straightforward.
Notice that the functions are all time-independent. I want to construct the TD wavefunction describing benzene in its ground state.
$$\psi_{tot}(r,t) = \sum_j \psi_j \mathbf{C}_j\ e^{-itE_j}$$
Benzene has 6 $\pi$ electrons, thus the first three MOs will be occupied in its ground state, each containing 2 electrons. From the previous formula, the total wavefunction should be:
$$\psi_{tot}(r,t) = 2\sum_j^3 \psi_j \mathbf{C}_j\ e^{-itE_j}$$
How do I determine the second set of coefficients $\mathbf{C}_j$?