I am trying to reproduce the computations of Appendix B of Fractal Concepts on Surface Growth (Barabási & Stanley), about the computation of the critical exponents of KPZ equation using Dynamic Renormalization Group techniques. I have the KPZ equation,
$$\frac{\partial h\left(\vec{x},t\right)}{\partial t}=v\nabla^{2}h+\frac{\lambda}{2}\left(\nabla h\right)^{2}+\eta\left(\vec{x},t\right)$$
where $\eta$ is a Gaussian white noise with correlations $\left\langle \eta\left(\vec{x},t\right)\eta\left(\vec{x}',t'\right)\right\rangle =2D\delta\left(\vec{x}-\vec{x}'\right)\delta\left(t-t'\right)$.
Then, I do a perturbative expansion and solve the integrals to renormalize $\nu$. I have no problem with that. I get the result indicated on the book,
where the integral is divergent for $d\leq d_c = 2$ as $q \rightarrow 0$. In section B.3, the book tells how to renormalize the integral in $dq$, and it gives two steps:
1) The equivalent of coarse graining in real space, which to integrate in a momentum shell $\Lambda /b \leq q \leq \Lambda$, leaving the integral $0 \leq q \leq \Lambda / b$ untouched. We will use also $b=e^\ell\simeq(1+\ell)$.
2) A rescaling, which in space is $x\rightarrow bx$ and in momentum is $q \rightarrow q/b$.
However I don't understand how this is done in the divergent integral. What you can see in the book is that they compute
$$\int_{\Lambda/b} ^{\Lambda}q^{d-3}dq \simeq \int_{\Lambda (1-\ell)} ^{\Lambda}q^{d-3}dq \simeq \ell \Lambda^{d-2}$$
where they let $\Lambda=1$ without loss of generality. Then they say that this result is the one we get when we are with long wavelenghts (slow modes) only,
And then they apply the rescaling as $\tilde{\nu} =b^{z-2}\nu^< \simeq \nu^< [1+\ell(z-2)]$. Then the book substitutes the expression of $\nu^<$ and operates to order $\mathcal{O}(\ell)$ to find the flow equations for the parameter.
Under my point of view, what it is doing is to integrate the fast modes and put this result inside the expression of $\nu^<$, which are the slow modes, and forgets about the integral between 0 and $\Lambda/b$.
So my question is: I don't understand why we integrate over the fast modes and then substitute directly in the expression of $\nu$. More precisely, I don't know what happened to the integral between 0 and $\Lambda/b$. What am I missing here?.
I tried to see why this is done in this way. I tried to separe the integral in slow and fast modes:
$$\int_{0} ^{\Lambda}q^{d-3}dq= \int_{0} ^{\Lambda/b}q^{d-3}dq + \int_{\Lambda/b} ^{\Lambda}q^{d-3}dq$$
Then the second integral can be done and it is a constant. As I see, when I rescale $q\rightarrow q/b$, the first integral has the limit $\Lambda/b \rightarrow \Lambda /b^2$. In addition to that, the constant will depend also on $\Lambda$, so it will be also rescaled -unless we use the trick to put $\Lambda = 1$ as they do, so I am really not sure on how this works.
So, how this separation into slow and fast modes happen? Any explanation and/or useful sources are welcome.
UPDATE: I added a bounty for getting more attention into this question. In addition to that, I want to point out that I've read that in fact all this come from the beginning, so I have to split the field $h(\vec{k},\omega)=h^<(\vec{k},\omega)+h^>(\vec{k},\omega)$ and then average only over the fast modes $h^>(\vec{k},\omega)$. This will give the expression for $\nu ^<$ I am trying to find, after doing to one-loop integral, that will be only in the momentum shell. However I couldn't get a lot of detail on how to do this process. Thank you!