Proceeding like here, let us consider $N$ independent scalar fields which satisfy the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion and are denoted by $\phi^{(i)}(x) \ ( i = 1,...,N)$, and are extended in a region $\Omega$ in a $D$-dimensional model spacetime $\mathcal{M}_D$. Now consider the classical Lagrangian density, $\mathcal{L}(\phi^{(i)}, \partial_\mu \phi^{(i)}, x^\mu)$. We apply the following infintesimal fixed-boundary transformation to $\mathcal{M}_D$.
\begin{align*} x &\to \widetilde{x}^\mu \equiv x^\mu + \delta x^\mu (x), \tag{1} \\ \text{and the fields transform as: }\ \phi^{(i)}(x) &\to \widetilde{\phi}^{(i)}(\widetilde{x}) \equiv \phi^{(i)} (x) + \delta\phi^{(i)} (x). \tag{2} \\ \end{align*}
Accordingly, up to first order in the variation, the Lagrangian density is given by: $$ \boxed{ \delta \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu \Big( \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial (\partial_\mu \phi^{(i)} )}(\delta\phi^{(i)} - \partial_\nu \phi^{(i)} \delta x^\nu) + \mathcal{L} \delta x^\mu \Big) - \mathcal{L} \partial_\mu (\delta x^\mu) } \,. \tag{3} $$
Now, following the conventional route to finding the energy-momentum tensor, consider that $\mathcal{L}$ does not explicitly depend on the spacetime coordinates and that the variation $\delta\phi^{(i)}$ is induced by the infinitesimal translation $\delta x^\mu \equiv \epsilon \ a^\mu(x)$ for some infinitesimal number $\epsilon > 0$, under which $$ \widetilde{\phi}^{(i)}(\widetilde{x}) = \phi^{(i)} (x + \epsilon \ a)=\phi^{(i)}(x) + \epsilon \ a^\mu \partial_\mu\phi^{(i)}(x) + \mathcal{O}(\epsilon^2) \,. \tag{4}$$
The variation $\delta\phi^{(i)}$ to first order in $\epsilon$, is therefore given by $$ \delta\phi^{(i)}=\epsilon \ a^\mu \partial_\mu\phi^{(i)}=\partial_\mu\phi^{(i)}\delta x^\mu \tag{5}$$
which means in conjunction with (3) that
$$ \delta \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu \mathcal{L} \delta x^\mu=\epsilon \ a^\mu \partial_\mu\mathcal{L} = \epsilon \Big(\frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon} \mathcal{L}\big(\widetilde{\phi}^{(i)}(\widetilde{x}), \widetilde{\partial}_\mu \widetilde{\phi}^{(i)}(\widetilde{x})\big)\Big)_{\epsilon=0}\,. \tag{6}$$
Eqn.(6) is tautological and does not give us any new information. I do not see how I can proceed to find the energy-momentum tensor following this route.