I know how to prove e.g. $$A^{ik}B_{lk}=A_{k}^iB^{k}_l.\tag{1}$$ (Raising and Lowering Indices Question). Today in a book, I find: $$g^{ik}\delta g_{lk}=-g_{kl}\delta g^{ki}.\tag{2}$$
$g^{ik}$ is the metric tensor. There is a negative sign. If I use the regular method to raise/lower the indices, I cannot get the negative sign. I guess this must be due to the variation $\delta$? Do you know how to prove this?
It then says because of the aforementioned equation, therefore:
$$T^{ik}\delta g_{ik}=-T_{ik}\delta g^{ik}.\tag{3}$$
$T^{ik}$ is the energy momentum tensor. Why they have such relationship?