To describe a constant magnetic field $\mathbf B=(0,0,B)$ (ignoring the motion along the $z$ dimension) within hamiltonian (or quantum) mechanics, one needs to choose a gauge. One common gauge is the symmetric gauge, in which the vector potential is $\mathbf A=\frac12(-By,Bx,0)$ and the hamiltonian is $$ H=\frac{1}{2m}\left(p_x+\frac{eB}{2m}y\right)^2 + \frac{1}{2m}\left(p_y-\frac{eB}{2m}x\right)^2. $$ Similarly, one can also choose the Landau gauge, which breaks the symmetry to take a vector potential of the form $\mathbf A=(0,Bx,0)$, giving the hamiltonian as $$ H=\frac{1}{2m}p_x^2 + \frac{1}{2m}\left(p_y-\frac{eB}{m}x\right)^2. $$
It can be shown quite easily that the problem has two conserved quantities, $$ x_0= x+\frac{mc}{eB}v_y \quad\text{and}\quad y_0 =y-\frac{m c}{eB}v_x, $$ which give the center of the classical circular motion. As I showed in a previous answer, the Landau gauge manages to rotate its axes within phase space in a way that sets the canonical momentum $p_y$ axis along one of these two conserved quantities (specifically, $x_0$), so it is conserved. (This conservation can easily be seen from the fact that $H$ does not depend on $y$.) This is not particularly problematic, since the canonical momentum is now related to the (non-conserved) kinematic momentum via $mv_y=p_y+\frac{eB}{c}x$.
However, this is a bit ugly since you break the symmetry, and you only get one conserved component of the canonical momentum, in a problem that is manifestly rotation-symmetric.
My question, then, is whether there exists a gauge transformation that will make both canonical momenta into conserved quantities. If not, then, conversely, is it possible to show that this is impossible?