The ideal circuit, as presented in introductory courses, simplifies the physics in order that the student not be distracted by too many details:
How do charges carry on their motion even after voltage drops to zero?
Resistance is present in the wires and connectors, as well as the internal resistance within the battery. Their is a slight, measurable, drop in voltage all along the path of the circuit. Thus the charges in the circuit will always be subject to a voltage.
Do charges slow down when passing through resistance and if they do then why isn't it effecting current?
Since the voltage varies from one point to the next, the potential energy has a spatial gradient; this is the origin of the electric field which is felt by the charges at each point along the circuit. Where the voltage drop is greater, the electric field is stronger.
Why voltage drops to zero after passing through a single resistance
In reality the voltage does not drop immediately to zero; however, in the ideal case the resistance of the wires is ignored - they aren't really there. In real circuits the wires and other connectors may play an important role in the design.
There is more to say about the physics of an electrical current: within any metal there exists typically one or two free electrons per atom, depending on the metal. These "free electrons" are shielded by the net positive charge of the atomic cores, and move "freely" throughout the metal. Drude called this the electron sea (1900), and this model is still studied in introductory condensed matter, though it has several defects which require quantum theory to repair.
Drude's "electron sea" model
The "electron sea" thus consists of randomly moving electrons which are scattered off of defects and crystal boundaries. Drude assumed a statistical distribution of speeds similar to that which was so successful in the kinetic theory of gasses. The average thermal speed of a free electron in copper is about 1% of the speed of light; OTOH, the drift velocity of a typical current in the same wire is millimeters per second. See Hyperphysics-Microscopic Electric Current for calculations.
The physics tells us that though the current travels very slowly, the changes in the electric field travel at nearly the speed of light. This is usually covered in an upper level undergraduate course in electromagnetic field theory.