The general relativity model for an electron is the Kerr-Newman solution, that is a charged rotating black holes. Unfortunately the radius of the exterior horizon in geometric units is given by:
$$r_{+}=M + \sqrt{M^2-Q^2-P^2-\left(\frac{J}{M}\right)^2}$$
Here P is the magnetic charge, zero in this case. If you convert this relation to standard units ( for instance insert the mass in Kg and multiply for the conversion factor $G/c^2$) you will find that this radius is imaginary. That is, elementary particle are naked singularities from the point of view of general relativity.
As an aside, inspired from string theory and the fuzzball proposal it seems possible to find a completely regular (no singularity!) solution describing microstates of what you would call a naked singularity in general relativity. Basically, a solution of the equation of motion with the same asymptotics charges of a naked singularity, but without pathologies! This is still working in progress anyway.
This is the classical picture. Roughly, the quantum picture tells you that when the Compton wavelenght is equal to the Schwarzschild radius (that is, at the Planck mass) you have reached the mininum mass for a black hole. So from this point of view there is no possibility for a particle to collapse .
The full answer of course cannot be given without the full quantum gravity theory in hand.