Assuming that water ( total amount $Q$) flows down from one river/drain, into multiple rivers/drains, under the action of gravity, as shown below:
How the flow ($Q$) will be divided among different outflows ($Q_i$)?
Assume that we know that
- The drain geometry is predetermined—we know the $x,y,z$ coordinates of the start and end node of the river/drain and we know the cross sectional information and length of the river/drain
- The velocity is approximated by manning formula, $$V=\frac{k}{n}R_h^\frac{2}{3} S^\frac{1}{2}$$
- The flow is incompressible flow, so $Q=VA$
- $R_h$ is the hydraulic radius of the river/drain
- $S$ is the slope
- $k$ conversion between the SI and English units
- $n$ the manning coefficient
- $A$ is the cross section area of the river/drain
For one, I know that the water flow volume must be conserved
But I don't know what are the other factors that could help us determine $Q_i$.
Edit: After some research, I think that I need use Bernoulli equation to include headloss in this calculation, but I have no idea how to do it, how to proceed?