The equation for your curve is given by:
$$ \frac{dv}{dt} = \frac{F(v)}{m} $$
where $F(v)$ is the net force on the car, which is a function of the velocity. we solve the equation by integrating to get:
$$ \int \frac{dv}{F(v)} = \frac{t}{m} $$
The trouble is that the net force $F(v)$ is a complicated function that doesn't generally have a simple analytic form. The main contributions to $F(v)$ are:
the torque delivered by the car engine. This is a function of engine speed and the gear so the torque changes (discontinuously) as the car speed increases
the aerodynamic drag. This is approximately proportional to $v^2$, though only approximately.
the friction in the drive train. This is appoximately proportional to $v$, though once again only appoximately.
The point of all this is that there is no way to write down a simple equation for $v(t)$ as there are just too many variables that we don't know. When designing cars engineers experimentally measure all the different factors like drag and friction, and with these empirical figures they can do a good job of predicting the performance of the car. Since you don't have access to this data the best you can do is fit some form of curve. For example as a starting point you could assume the torque is constant and the aerodynamic drag is quadratic, in which case you'd get:
$$ F(v) = A - Bv^2 $$
For some constants $A$ and $B$, giving:
$$ \int \frac{dv}{A - Bv^2} = \frac{t}{m} $$
Integrating this gives:
$$ \tanh^{-1}(Cv) = Dt $$
$$ v(t) = E\,\tanh(Ft) $$
where the uppercase letters are all constants that you have to fit numerically. I note that this is the same function suggested by TheGhostOfPerdition in a comment.