I'm wondering if the car braking time formula is valid only for uniformly accelerated motion.
$$ T = \frac{v} {\mu_s \, g} $$
with $ v $ average speed, $ \mu_s $ static friction coefficient between the wheel and the ground, $ g $ gravitational acceleration on the earth.
I derived it in this way ($ F_{s, max} = \mu_s \, N = \mu_s \, m \, g $ maximum static friction force; $ N $ normal force, $ m $ car mass):
$$ F_{s, max} = m \, a $$ $$ \mu_s \, m \, g = m \, \frac{v} {T} $$ $$ T = \frac{v} {\mu_s \, g} $$
where $ a $ is the average acceleration of the car.
Thank you in advance.