We know that a moving source of sound waves produces Doppler shift, so that sound waves are closer-together in the front and farther apart behind, creating a difference in pitch.
Let's consider a situation where I generate a sound pulse (lasting one second). If I'm stationary, then you'll be hearing my pulse for exactly 1 second. If I'm moving towards you, then it will be heard for some time less than a second. If I'm moving away from you, then it will be greater than a second. For now, let's assume that I'm moving towards you.
If the sound waves are traveling at a constant speed and are closer together, then you'll hear all of it in a shorter amount of time. So, as my speed approaches very close to Mach 1, the waves would be so close together that the sound you hear will be almost instantaneous (something like a "bang!").
At Mach 1, all the waves would be stacked right on top of each other, thus creating a sonic boom. Now, as my speed exceeds Mach 1, (proceeding with the same logic), the sound should probably be reversed. Because, the wave that's been produced recently would be in front of its ancestor, so that information from the latest wave is received first, followed by the previous wave, followed by its previous wave, and so on.
So when we reach Mach 2, we should hear the original sound pulse backwards. Because, as we approached Mach 1 from Mach 0, the pitch increased, the waves bunched and we heard a bang! So, as we approach Mach 2 from Mach 1, the pitch should decrease back to the original pitch (because the time delay between the latest wave and the previous wave should increase, since the source is moving relatively faster) and now you should hear the same pulse backwards (a good example might be that if I shout "God" at Mach 2, you'll probably hear "Dog").
Getting deeper with this logic, as my speed exceeds Mach 2, the pitch of the sound you hear should be further reduced.
Summing everything up,
Mach 0.0 - sound is normal
Mach 0.5 - sound is sped up and high pitched
Mach 1.0 - sound is a boom!
Mach 1.5 - sound is sped up, high pitched and reversed
Mach 2.0 - sound is reversed
Mach 2 + - sound is slowed down, lower pitched and reversed
Am I right with my logic?