But what is the physical interpretation of the partition function and
it's significance to Thermodynamics? I'm seeking a simple yet
understandable intuition.
The partition function has one simple physical interpretation in terms of Thermodynamic functions: Its natural log is proportional to the Free Energy (the proportionality constant is the negative inverse temperature).
The Free Energy, which is well-known from Thermodynamics, is given by
where E is the Thermodynamics Energy, T is the temperature, and S is the Entropy.
From a Statistical Mechanics perspective, remember that the probability to be in a state $n$ is given by
p_n\equiv \frac{e^{-E_n/T}}{Z}\;,
where $Z$ is your partition function, T is the temperature, and $E_n$ is the energy of state $n$.
The statistical definition of Entropy is
S=-\sum_n p_n \log(p_n)
=-\sum_n p_n (-E_n/T-\log(Z))