Consider the Boltzmann equation:
$$\frac{d \ln{n^c(T)}}{d \ln{T}} = \frac{\Gamma}{H}(1 - \frac{n^c_{eq}(T)}{n^c(T)})$$
We know that the ratio $\Gamma/H$ can be considered constant, let us put it equal to the letter $\alpha$. I have been given that at a certain teperature $T_i$ the system is in thermal equilibrium, so that $n^c(T_i) = n^c_{eq}(T_i)$. How can I mathematically evolve the system , for $T < T_i$ ?
The solution is $$n^c(T) = (\frac{T}{T_i})^\alpha n_{eq}^c(T_i) + \alpha T^\alpha \int_T^{T_i}{\frac{n_{eq}^c(T')}{T'^{1+\alpha}}dT'},$$
but I do not know how to get there: I suppose I have to integrate the Boltzmann equation, but I do not know how exactly.