Edited after Thomas' answer
Question 30.6. "Detailed balance":
System is in thermal equilibrium, and the physics of the system is governed by the collision $1+2\leftrightarrow 3+4$
Show (assuming thermal equilibrium) that collision rates balance:
$f_1 f_2 (1 \mp f_3) (1 \mp f_4) = f_3 f_4 (1 \mp f_1) (1 \mp f_2)$
This comes from Boltzmann right hand side, equation 30.40.
And we get to the solution by saying: $f_i = (e^{\frac{E_i-\mu_i}{T}} \pm 1)^{-1}$, where $i$ is a particle species
and then saying that in thermal equilibrium $E_1+E_2=E_3+E_4$, $\mu_1 + \mu_2 = \mu_3 + \mu_4$.
The problem with the solution
from what I know function $f \rightarrow f(\mathbf{p})$, and the $E_1+E_2=E_3+E_4$ in thermal equilibrium should apply only for total energies $E_i$, so e.g. for $E_1=\int dE_1'$.
Hence, $f$ is:
$f_i(\mathbf{p}) = (e^{\frac{E_i(\mathbf{p})-\mu_i}{T}} \pm 1)^{-1}$
In this case, we get $E_i=E_j$ which still leads to the desired answer.
Proposed solution to the problem
Should be:
$\int_0^{\infty} f_1 f_2 (1 \mp f_3) (1 \mp f_4) dE = \int_0^\infty f_3 f_4 (1 \mp f_1) (1 \mp f_2) dE$
Am I understanding something wrong?