I have a hard time to fully understand (classical) electromagnetic field theory with respect to Helmholtz's decomposition. Let me start from Helmholtz's theorem:
Any vector field of class $C^{\infty}$ in $R^3$ can be docomposed into sum of >two other fields: one curl-free and one divergence free.
but (due to some vector operator identities) we can rewrite $F_1$ and $F_2$ to
$\bf{F_1}=-\nabla F_3$
$F_3$,$\bf{F_4}$ are scalar and vector fields respectively
Now going to electrodynamic we know that in stationary case
It fits very well so we can write that electromagnetic field is equal
or can we? Why in none of my books nor in the net there is written that EM field is just $\bf{E+B}$? For example wikipedia states that EM is combination of $\bf{E}$ and $\bf{B}$. Yes, of course it is combination (from Maxwell equations) but that is not precise statement. Obviously nowhere I could find any equation for EM field (treated as one single vector field).
So, can someone please elaborate what this EM field is with respect to $\bf{E}$ and $\bf{B}$ in the context of Helmholtz decomposition?