. . .it is the combined vibration or disturbance basically having the average of the combining frequencies, but with an amplitude that varies periodically with time-one cycle of this variation including many cycles of the basic vibration.
Now, what does the author want to meany by the above bolded statement?
Also another:
. . .description as a beat phenomenon is physically meaningful only if $|\omega_1 - \omega_2| \ll \omega_1 + \omega_2$; ie. if, over some substantial number of cycles, the vibration approximates to sinusoidal vibration with constant amplitude and with angular frequency $\dfrac{{\omega_1} + {\omega_2}}{2}$.
At first part, it was said that amplitude does vary with time; however here it is mentioning about constant amplitude! What does this mean? And also difference of two numbers is always less than their sum; what is so special about that? Why does the author emphasize on $|\omega_1 - \omega_2| \ll \omega_1 + \omega_2$? Plz help.