Sun's light appear to travel as parallel beams towards earth $_1$. Sun produces electromagnetic radiations through pp chain and other reactions in Photosphere $_2$.
I don't see whether these reactions send photons in that neatly arranged parallel rays, or else any other effects make the rays have such parallel beautiful motion.
So what makes Sun's light travel as parallel beams towards earth?
Links: A very good news for those who wants to desperately know the answer. I have replaced the word "ray" with "beam", as both have difference in their meaning. I have extracted a small passage from the webpage Light beam - Wikipedia :
A light beam or beam of light is a directional projection of light energy radiating from a light source. Sunlight forms a light beam (a sunbeam) when filtered through media such as clouds, foliage, or windows.
If the passage is saying truth, we are only left with the question, how clouds (the question is concerned with this) form beams?
Reference: $_1$ Crepuscular rays-Wikipedia $_2$ Sun-Wikipedia