I'm an autodidact and can't follow the part after "it is easily seen that"... which is the 31st equation:
Shouldn't it be:
$m_i\,{\bf r}_i\times \frac{d^2{\bf r}_i }{dt^2}= \frac{d}{dt}(m_i r_i \times \frac{dr_i}{dt}) - \frac{d(m_i r_i)}{dt} \times \frac{d(r_i)}{dt}$
According to the rule of derivation:
$(u v)' = u'v + v'u$ where $u(t)=m_i r_i$ and $v(t)=(r_i)'$
Furthermore, I would be most grateful if you could point me to resources that could help me with this sort of problems.