I was reading some papers* on celestial holography which aims to apply the holographic principle to a flat spacetime, making a duality between a celestial sphere and a celestial conformal field theory (CCFT).
I did a question to Andrew Strominger, namely:
"Since in your paper you say that celestial amplitudes can be used to study UV complete theories, and therefore, to study possible consistent theories of quantum gravity, does it mean that we can use them to study every possible UV completion theory? All possible GUTs and all possible theories of quantum gravity? Could we use it to study every possible theory of everything like string theory, M-theory, loop quantum gravity, asymptotically safe quantum gravity...?".
His answer was basically a "yes"
This is consistent with Laurent Freidel and collaborators' works on corner symmetries and local holography (https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.12469, https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.12799 & https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.11132) which are related to celestial holography, where I asked Luca Ciambelli, another physicist working on these models, if all possible models of quantum gravity could be applied to their models, and he again basically answered that yes, they could.
Then, this makes me wonder: is it possible that different CCFTs corresponding to these different fundamental theories of quantum gravity could exist in different celestial spheres? Or something similar to this? Or is it forbidden?
*the papers: