Starting with the Boltzmann equation in terms of $f(t,\vec v,\vec x)$ or $f(t,\vec v)$
$$\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial t} + \vec{v} \, \nabla_\vec{x} + \frac{1}{m} \vec{F}\cdot \nabla_\vec{v}\right) f(\vec{x},\vec{v},t) = \left.\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}\right|_\mathrm{collision}\,,$$
how to derive the "two-term approximation", which is expressed in terms of an energy-dependend $f(t,\varepsilon)$?
That one essentially looks like
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial t}f(t,\varepsilon)=\frac{\partial}{\partial \varepsilon}\left(\left(A\ \varepsilon + c\ B\right)\ f(t,\varepsilon)+\frac{\partial}{\partial \varepsilon}\left(B\ \varepsilon\ f(t,\varepsilon)\right)\right)\,.$$
And I think a relatedkeyword is "Fokker-Planck type".
I have here the book "Mathematical theory of transport processes in gases", which discusses the Boltzmann equation in detail, but as far as I can see it never passes to the energy-representation. Searching the web, I found a version of such a $f(t,\varepsilon)$-reformulation described in the software manula for the "Comsol" software, although no derivation of any kind: