In the book "Group theory and it's Applications to the Quantum Mechanics of atomic spectra " by Eugene P. Wigner
in chapter 4 The elements of quantum mechanics it is written
Consider a many dimensional space with as many coordinates as the system considered as position coordinates. Every arrangement of the positions of the particles of the system corresponds to a point in this multidimensional configuration space. This point will move in the course of time tracing out a curve by which the motion of the system can be completely described classically. There exists a fundamental correspondence between the classical motion of this point, the system point in configuration space, and the motion of a wave packet also considered in configuration space, if only we assume that the index of refraction for these waves is $\frac{\sqrt{2m(E-V)}}{E}$, where $E$ is the total energy of the system; $V$ is the potential energy as a function in the configuration space.
What does the wave-packet and the refractive index implies here. How to interpret this?
The author is trying to derive Schrodinger equation by using configuration space.
This is related to the development of Schrodinger equation using the action, in configuration space where the waves are shells traveling in configuration space just like huygene's principle in the optics, where the phase is action, and phase velocity is the resiprocal of the above mentioned refractive index.
This is the same process used by Schrodinger in his 1926 paper where he first introduced the Schrodinger wave equation,
And these waves are in configuration space, which will lead to quantum mechanics, he is trying to say that as ray optics won't work for phenomenon like diffraction or interference, similarly mechanics as they knew it won't work for micro-things as the wavelength of these waves is roughly of the order of radius of curvature of path configuration space