The following is an example from David Morin's Introduction to Classical Mechanics.
A rope wraps an angle $\theta$ around a pole. You grab one end and pull with a tension $T_0$. The other end is attached to a large object, say, a boat. If the coefficient of static friction between the rope and the pole is $\mu$, what is the largest force the rope can exert on the boat, if the rope is not to slip around the pole?
Consider a small piece of the rope that subtends an angle $d\theta$. Let the
tension in this piece be $T$ (which varies slightly over the small length). As shown in
the figure, the pole exerts a small outward normal force, $Nd\theta$ , on the piece. This normal
force exists to balance the “inward” components of the tensions at the ends. These
inward components have magnitude $T \sin(d\theta/2)$. Therefore, $Nd\theta
= 2T \sin(d\theta/2)$.
The solution then continues to calculate the inequality $T\leq T_0e^{\mu\theta}$.
I do not know how to get the magnitude for the inward components as $T sin(d\theta/2)$.