I was going to ask this in wilderness but I’m pretty sure we’ll need some math to find out the real answer.
They say you can’t out run a grizzly bear because they run about 35 mph. While the average human runs 6-18 mph.
I’m assuming we are simple steaks running in a straight line race.
But seeing that the weight of the grizzly is between 700-1700lb, and the average weight of a human is 136-178, couldn’t we attempt to out maneuver them with zigzags and/or a on-the-dime 180 turn?
Or is the 20mph speed difference to much and our only hope is to lay down and hope it isn’t our day?
Could we identify the optimal pathing which uses their bear disadvantages against them?
Note - References aren’t anything special. I just wanted to give the math people some numbers to consider.