I've seen descriptions of satellites orbiting earth which can create maps of continents with elements represented as colors on a map, how can they do this? I understand how a heated black body emits radiation that can be used to identify elements([S.O. elemental composition of mars spectroscopy][1]. I'm also able to convince myself that looking at the spectra from gaseous/liquid substances (in chromatography spectroscopy) works by showing which wavelengths are passed through. How does spectroscopy work for solid objects reflecting light? Is the idea that different elements/materials on the earth's surface reflect a portion of the spectrum from the sun? Notably, reflection is different from absorption in the case of liquid/gas chromatography, right?
If so, I am confused about a few things.
If you shine a light at substance (like a chair or a piece of wood) and look at the reflected light in a spectroscope - surely you can't identify the materials in it... I thought you'd need black body radiation, right?
A little less related, but if you have two objects that are black but made of different materials (e.g. charcoal vs. black paint) would looking at the spectrum of reflected sunlight help you ID the material?
how do these satellites deal with atmospheric interference?
In spectroscopy, is it important to differentiate between spectrum absorption versus fluorescent emission, such as when an object absorbs white light from a source, reflects some of it, but also has a fluorescent emission?