As I understood, Drude model explains an electrical current as a chain of momentum transfer between electrons; In this sense, does a single electron leave its atom and move forming the electrical current, or does it only nudge a neighboring electron, moving a wave of momentum transfers across the object, and staying, the electron that it, with its own atom. In other words, does a current in this model produce an magnetic field. I know the answer must be yes, but I can't quite connect all the dots.
1 Answer
Where did you read of " chain of momentum transfer between electrons" this seems not the Drude model, where the electrons in metal are treated as "gas" the e are accelerated by E, but the collide withe the ions of the metal so the are slowed down there is a real mean velocity of the electrons, look at the picture in
$\begingroup$ I read it in the wikipedia article about Electrical Conductors,, second paragraph. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22, 2021 at 19:40
$\begingroup$ I then realized, it is an actual transfer of momentum and electron, from one metal atom to a near by one, making it an actual current with actual moving charged, with sum vector velocity and hence magnetic field. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22, 2021 at 19:42