A collision of two bosons of the same type which produces something else entirely is certainly allowed. But that would usually not be called "annihilation" unless the final state particles are massless. The massless particles in the standard model all come from gauge fields and this is what tightly constrains the process you're imagining.
Can two bosons of the same type annihilate into gluons?
They could only do this if they coupled to the $SU(3)$ gauge field which would imply that they had color. A fairly large energy like $~500 \mathrm{MeV}$ is needed for deconfined quarks and the experiment would become even more difficult if we wanted to produce a composite particle that was bosonic and colored. However, it should be possible in principle. Note that gluon final states would quickly produce jets and look like something massive again.
Can two bosons of the same type annihilate into photons?
They could only do this if they coupled to the $U(1)$ gauge field which would imply that they had charge. But then they would of course need opposite charge and any experimentalist would be justified in calling the positively charged one the anti-particle of the other. So here we can say that bosons of the same type by definition cannot annihilate into photons if they are their own anti-particles.
The most instructive toy model for seeing bosons which behave analogously to electrons and positrons in this respect is scalar QED.