A particle is a point from the perspective of us in the same way that the Earth is a point from the perspective of galaxies.
The Earth is not really a point, because it obviously does extend into space with non-zero size. But it is so tiny in comparison to anything relevant that it can be considered a point without losing relevant detail in analyses made at galactic scales. In other words, the Earth is modelled as a point. This is an idealisation that simplifies the calculations by ignoring unnecessary detail and information.
A particle such as the electron, the photon, the phonon, the quantum bosons etc. at the quantum scale is - depending on the particle - typically considered a probability cloud, a concentration of energy, a vibration chunk or the like. These also do extend into space with non-zero size. But they are so, so tiny in comparison to anything else which is not also close to the same particle-scale.
In theory there does not exist any object in our world which is not in 3D. Everything has some size, however small. No 0D point-particles exist. Only point-like particle because we choose to consider them as were they just points.