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In Sec. 7.5.1, T-Duality, around Eq. 7.51, it says that the Bianchi identity $\partial_\mu(\epsilon^{\mu\nu}\partial_\nu\phi)=0$ may not hold. Does this indicate $\partial_\mu\partial_\nu\phi\neq \partial_\nu\partial_\mu\phi$. If so, how can this happen?
In addition, since $\int d^2x$ is an integration over an infinite-long tube, the boundary integration $\oint d x^\mu$ should be over two circles at opposite ends of the tube. Each circle gives a winding number, so the final results will be the difference of the two winding numbers, which is indeed an integer. However, one can continuously move one circle along the tube to the other while the winding number cannot vary in a continual way, so there should be no difference between the two windings, and the integer should always be zero. Where is my argument wrong?
Another question is about how to integrate out the compact boson. I can only try to understand it with a naive analogy $\int_0^{2\pi} d\theta \, e^{i\theta a}=\frac{e^{i 2\pi a}\;\;-1}{ia}$, and I fail to make a further step.