This is a soft question about classical special relativity (although a related question applies even to nonrelativistic classical mechanics).
The (connected) symmetry group of Minkowski space is the Poincare group, which is 10-dimensional and so has 10 generators corresponding to conserved quantities:
- energy (corresponding to time translational invariance)
- three components of spatial momentum (corresponding to space translational invariance)
- three components of angular momentum (corresponding to spatial rotational invariance)
- three generators which don't have a standard name (corresponding to boost invariance).
Spatial momentum and the boost generators correspond to completely different symmetries of spacetime, so there is no a priori relation between them. And on paper, the expressions look totally different: spatial momentum is given by $$ P^i = \int d^3{\bf x}\ T^{0i}(x), $$ where $T^{\mu \nu}$ is the stress-energy tensor, while the boost generators are given by $$ M^{0i} = \int d^3{\bf x}\ \left[ x^0 T^{0i}(x) - x^i T^{00}(x) \right] $$ or in more explicitly frame-dependent notation, $$ {\bf N} = \int d^3{\bf x}\ \left[ t\ {\bf p}(x) - {\bf x}\ \epsilon(x) \right] \\ = t\ {\bf P} - \int d^3{\bf x}\ \left[ {\bf x}\ \epsilon(x) \right] $$ where ${\bf N} = M^{0i}$ is the boost Noether charge, ${\bf p}(x) := T^{0i}(x)$ is the momentum density, and $\epsilon(x) := T^{00}(x)$ is the energy density. The verbal description given to this Noether charge is usually that it reflects "the linear motion of the center of mass(/energy) of the system".
I understand all of the math fine, but I've never had any physical intuition for the difference between "momentum is conserved" and "the center of mass moves with constant linear motion". To me, these seem like such closely related statements that I can't really intuit the physical distinction. (I believe that the reason that the boost generators are rarely discussed is that they don't give you much physical intuition beyond conservation of momentum, in addition to the awkward fact of the explicit time-dependence). And yet, these two conservation laws have mathematically different forms and they correspond to completely different symmetries of Minkowski space, so it seems to me that they should have quite distinct physical content.
Can anyone help me out with how to intuit the difference between these two conservation laws? Or here's a more concrete way to pose the question: are there any semi-natural examples of Lagrangians that have one symmetry but not the other, so that one of these two quantities is conserved but the other isn't? If so, what do those systems look like?
There's a nonrelativistic analogue of this question where you consider Galilean invariance instead of Poincare invariance, but I think that's a little less natural to think about.