The action shown in the question is a functional of $\phi$, not of $x$. A change of the integration variable $x$ is just a relabeling of the index set. It does not transform the dynamic variables $\phi$ at all, so no: a change of variable does not correspond to a conserved quantity.
More explicitly, if $y(x)$ is a monotonic smooth function of $x$, then
\int d^4y\ {\cal L}\left(\phi\big(y(x)\big),\,
\frac{\partial}{\partial y_\mu}\phi\big(y(x)\big)\right)
\int d^4x\ {\cal L}\left(\phi(x),\frac{\partial}{\partial x_\mu}\phi(x)\right)
identically, for any ${\cal L}$ whatsoever (as long as it depends on $x$ only via $\phi$). This is just a change of variable (a relabeling of the index-set), and there is no associated conserved quantity.
In contrast, suppose that the action has this property:
\int d^4x\ {\cal L}\left(\phi\big(y(x)\big),\,
\frac{\partial}{\partial x_\mu}\phi\big(y(x)\big)\right)
\int d^4x\ {\cal L}\left(\phi(x),\frac{\partial}{\partial x_\mu}\phi(x)\right).
Unlike equation (1), equation (2) is not identically true for any ${\cal L}$ and any $y(x)$, though it may be true for some choices of ${\cal L}$ and $y(x)$. The transformation represented in equation (2) replaces the original function $x$, namely $\phi(x)$, with a new function of $x$, namely $\phi\big(y(x)\big)$.
This is the kind of transformation we have in mind when we talk about Poincaré invariance and its associated conserved quantities: it is a change of the function $\phi$ which we then insert into the original action, not a change of the integration variable.