I'm reading Preskill's notes on quantum information theory, and in chapter 2 (full list here) he in particular explains how qubits are different from a probabilistic classical bit. Among examples there is this paragraph
Suppose that a photon beam is directed at an $x$ analyzer, with a $y$ analyzer placed further downstream. Then about half of the photons will pass through the first analyzer, but every one of these will be stopped by the second analyzer. But now suppose that we place a 45${}^\circ$-rotated analyzer between the $x$ and $y$ analyzers. Then about half of the photons pass through each analyzer, and about one in eight will manage to pass all three without being absorbed. Because of this interference effect, there is no consistent interpretation in which each photon carries one classical bit of polarization information. Qubits are different than probabilistic classical bits.
Is this example really sufficient to illustrate the difference between the classical and quantum properties of light polarization? As far as I can tell, an interpretation where a polarizer is a classical probabilistic machine that either stops a photon or polarizes it (along its own axis) works just fine.