In Weinberg's QFT Page 109, he defines the "in" and "out" states as
the 'in' and 'out' states* $\Psi_{\alpha}^{+}$ and $\Psi_{x}^{-}$ will be found to contain the particles described by the label $\alpha$ if observations are made at $t \rightarrow-\infty$ or $t \rightarrow+\infty$, respectively.
And then he claims that
Note how this definition is framed. To maintain manitest Lorentz invariance, in the formalism we are using here, state-vectors do not change with time $-$ a state-vector $\Psi$ describes the whole spacetime history of a system of particles. (This is known as the Heisenberg picture, in distinction with the Schrödinger picture, where the operators are constant and the states change with time.) Thus we do not say that $\Psi_{\alpha} \pm$ are the limits at $t \rightarrow \mp \infty$ of a time-dependent state-vector $\Psi(t)$
However, implicit in the definition of the states is a choice of the inertial frame from which the observer views the system; different observers see equivalent state-vectors, but not the same state-vector. In particular, suppose that a standard observer $\mathcal{O}$ sets his or her clock so that $t=0$ is at some time during the collision process, while some other observer $\mathcal{O}^{\prime}$ at rest with respect to the first uses a clock set so that $t^{\prime}=0$ is at a time $t=\tau ;$ that is, the two observers' time coordinates are related by $t^{\prime}=t-\tau .$ Then if $\mathcal{O}$ sees the system to be in a state $\Psi, \mathcal{O}^{\prime}$ will see the system in a state $U(1,-\tau) \Psi=\exp (-i H \tau) \Psi .$ Thus the appearance
Now my question is: as we are talking about a state-vector $\Psi$ in the Heisenberg picture, which do not evolve over time. Why does the state vector change under the change of observers with different setting of time.