I am reading Schwartz's Quantum Field Theory textbook. In chapter 3, Schwartz first defines the conserved current for a symmetry $\phi \rightarrow \phi + \delta \phi$ that depends on a parameter $\alpha$ as $$ J_\mu = \frac{\partial L}{\partial (\partial_\mu \phi_n)} \frac{\delta \phi_n}{\delta \alpha}. $$ However, Schwartz later discusses the symmetry of space-time translations, and we end up with the Noether currents $$ T_{\mu\nu} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial (\partial_\mu \phi_n)} \partial_\nu \phi_n - g_{\mu\nu}L. $$ This is very similar to the first definition, but with an extra term $g_{\mu\nu}L$. I can follow the derivation, but I'm still confused why there is this difference? It seems like the first should be a general case that would encompass the latter, but I can't exactly see how.
Another confusion I have is that the energy momentum tensor $T_{\mu\nu}$ has two free covariant indices, but the first term on the right hand side of the 2nd equation has one covariant index (from $\partial_\nu$) and one covariant index on the bottom (the $\partial_\mu$) which becomes a contravariant index, right? Is this an error in the book or my reasoning?