What is the meaning of non-resonant production in the following context:
They assumed a negligible primordial lepton number,or asymmetry, so the neutrinos are produced non-resonantly. [1]
I thought that this meant that the reaction would not resonate, meaning that it would only "go one way". But I don't believe this is correct.
I have also read on the Wikipedia page: Resonance, that it "is the peak located around a certain energy found in differential cross sections of scattering experiments." But it also doesn't seem to be the same type of resonance, or am I wrong?
I have also found the following slides but I don't understand their explanation.
[1] - K. Abazajian, G. M. Fuller and M. Patel, "Sterile Neutrino Hot, Warm, and Cold Dark Matter", Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001) 023501, arXiv:astro-ph/0101524.