I would like to know if we have obtained any observations regarding the energy spectrum of solar energetic particles. Something like the following histogram :
And if so, what is the index of the power-law. Thank you!
I would like to know if we have obtained any observations regarding the energy spectrum of solar energetic particles. Something like the following histogram :
And if so, what is the index of the power-law. Thank you!
I would like to know if we have obtained any observations regarding the energy spectrum of solar energetic particles.
Yes, there are several decades (>30 years) worth of observations of solar energetic particles (SEP) [e.g., Desai et al., 2016a,b; Reames, 2017].
And if so, what is the index of the power-law. Thank you!
There is not one, but two for each mass-per-charge chemical abundance. The solar wind already contains multiple heavy ions above protons, including but not limited to alpha-particles (i.e., helium nuclei), carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, sulpher, calcium, and iron [e.g., Desai et al., 2016b; Reames, 2017].
The spectra, in terms of particle fluence $j(E)$, are described by a double- or broken-power-law [e.g., Desai et al., 2016a], given by: $$ \begin{align} j\left( E \right) & = C \ E^{-\gamma_{a}} \ e^{-E/E_{B}} \text{ for } E \leq \left( \gamma_{b} - \gamma_{a} \right) \ E_{B} \tag{0a} \\ j\left( E \right) & = C \ E^{-\gamma_{b}} \ \left[ \left( \gamma_{b} - \gamma_{a} \right) \ E_{B} \right]^{\gamma_{b} - \gamma_{a}} \ e^{-\left( \gamma_{b} - \gamma_{a} \right)} \text{ for } E > \left( \gamma_{b} - \gamma_{a} \right) \ E_{B} \tag{0b} \end{align} $$
It turns out that the type of solar event (e.g., solar flare) that causes the SEP also matters in regards to the slopes and the flux vs time profile [e.g., Reames, 2017].