I am a philosopher and I am seriously interested in learning classical mechanics. I would like a textbook, course or the like (with exercises) introducing the contemporary treatment of classical Newtonian mechanics. This means that I'm not interested in understanding classical mechanics as Newton himself understood it. I want instead the best contemporary reconstruction of Newton's theory. (That would mean, for instance, that infinite sum series have to be treated with the concept of limit, and not the way Newton did.)
However, I would like to avoid any reference to QM or Relativity, since in this moment I am more interested in having a pure understanding of Newton's theory than in learning Physics. In this respect, it would also be useful if I am pointed out to all the relevant chapters of a contemporary Physics textbook, even if that book does refer to QM or Relativity in the other chapters.
Another question would be, what kind of math concepts and skills do I need to master in order to pursue this study project? I suppose most concepts of calculus are among those. What others?
I hope someone can help me in this one.