I was wondering if there's a dependency chart for Goldstein's book, i.e. what chapters do I need to read before reading a specific chapter I'm interested in (it need not be an official one made by Goldstein himself). The preface of the book doesn't provide one, and I cannot seem to find one online either. As an alternative, I'd also appreciate people telling me what chapters I'd need to read given my background and interests below.
My background: I am a 1st-year student double majoring in physics and math. I know multivariable calculus and ODEs, and self-studied the first chapter of Landau's Mechanics. I also self-studied the basics of group theory, linear algebra, and differential geometry (the latter from following Schuller's Lectures on the Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics, currently up to lec. $11$ but I'm going through roughly $1-2$ lectures per week). I also worked out all the problems in Chapter $1$ of Shankar's QM, but I don't imagine that'd be very relevant.
My interests: From looking at the contents page, I am mostly interested in chapters: $7, 8, 9,$ and $13$ covering: SR, Hamiltonian Mechanics, Canonical Transformations, and Classical Field Theory resp. I am also interested in going through Arnold's Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics later, but I imagine it'd probably be better to use Goldstein first.
My (probably naïve) plan is to go through chapters $1$ and $2$, then jump to the chapters I'm interested in, in order.
Edit: I'm not sure how relevant this is, but I thought I'd add that I'm using the third edition of Goldstein's book.