In Mark Srednicki "Quantum field theory", section 14 -Loop corrections to the propagator-, it is presented the Feynman's formula to combine denominators:
$$\frac{1}{A_1 ... A_n} = \int dF_n (x_1 A_1 + ... + x_n A_n)^{-n} \tag{14.9}$$
where the integration measure $dF_n$ over the Feynman's parameters $x_i$ is
$$\int dF_n := (n - 1)! \int_0 ^1 dx_1 ... dx_n \delta (x_1 + ... + x_n - 1).\tag{14.10}$$
The measure is normalized so that
$$\int dF_n 1 = 1.\tag{14.11}$$
While Eq. (14.9) is given a hint to prove it in problem 14.1 (I succeeded to prove it), no hint is given to Eq. (14.11), that is the normalization of the integration measure $dF_n$.
My question is: How to prove Eq. (14.11), that is the normalization of the integration measure $dF_n$? Or, is there any reference (link) where I can find the demonstration?