We can numerically find ground state energy and wavefunction of a 1D Hamiltonian at half-filling ($L = \#$ of sites and $N = \# $ of particles) using exact diagonalization. i.e at $L = 10$ and $N = 5$, we can digonalize Hamiltonian.
My question is, can we find ground state of a Hamiltonian with $L = $ (any odd number let's say 11) at half-filling?
I asked this question to a professor and he said yes, we can! there is a way to reach grand canonical from canonical; but he also said that he does not properly remember how to do it. He said one guess is that
$L$ with $11$ sites $= \frac{1}{2} (L$ with $10$ sites + $L$ with $12$ sites$)$
Can someone please clarify me how is it possible?
Edit: system consists of spinless fermions with periodic boundary conditions.