How many of the molecules will collide within a given area A of the wall normal to the x-direction in some fixed time interval Δt ? On average half the molecules have a positive x-component of velocity. Therefore half the molecules contained inside a cylindrical volume of cross sectional area A and length vΔt will strike the wall within a given area A during the time interval Δt.
So, the number of collision with A during $\Delta{t}$ is
So my question is how can we assume that half of the molecules are moving one way and half the other? I know that we are focusing on one co-ordinate i.e. x-coordinate, thus, we are not focusing in other directions like up and down etc. Nevertheless,I wondered, if I were the physicist coming up with this derivation, why would I divide the number of collisions by 2 saying that half of the particles go one way and half the other way. How can it be just half not one third any other probability.
Thanks for the time and help.